compost group: compost care
a seminar of Klasse für Alle in cooperation with Klima Biennale Wien
Location Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof, Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1220 Vienna. Info also @compostgroup
next workshop:
Friday, May 24, 2-5 pm
workshop with Vik Bayer + Michael Reindel
please register!
The workshop SEEDING AS SPECULATING, AS WRITING AND AS COMMONING (facilitated by Vik Bayer + Michael Reindel) deals with seeding and composting as artistic methods. The book “Material Notions of Seeding” is taken as a starting point and as a resource for motifs like speculative fiction, non-linear unfolding of time and composting in the context of critical ecologies. Composting as a mode of composition, textual arrangement and a space of imagination that allows the co-creation of new meanings. These themes will be explored together with the participants in the form of various writing exercises. “Material Notions of Seeding” is a book published by Vik Bayer and Michael Reindel in 2023 that collects contributions by various authors.
At Klima Biennale, we are composting on site for 100 days – the compost heap will grow in a common effort during this time. Come join us for “compost hour” every Friday from 5-6 pm, or bring your compost during opening hours. Participation in our workshops is also possible, please register in advance.
a seminar by Andrea Lumplecker with Vik Bayer, Camille Belmin, Yeonwoo Chang, Paul Ebhart, Kristina Feldhammer, Victoria Ferreri, Joanna Gruntkowska, Michael Haag, Pauline Hosse-Hartmann, Ivie Isibor, Karin Lang, Aki Lee, Gundi Mayerhofer, Stefan Meyer, Michael Reindel, Dunia Sahir, Małgorzata Suś, Günther Vock & many more
compost group of Klasse für Alle is taking care of compost in both an organic and metaphorical sense. Composting is a ritual of collecting, recognizing and transforming and becomes a metaphor for all life processes. We are seeing nutrient cycles and give meaning and dignity to everyday waste through composting practices such as moving, writing, listening, sound making, care and nurturing. We are humus, not homo, not anthropos; we are compost, not posthuman. (Donna Haraway)
Location always at the compost heap
Festival Areal Nordwestbahnhof,
Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1220 Vienna
Every Friday, 5-6 pm: COMPOST HOUR!
more workshops will be announced!
summer term 2024
next workshop:
Friday May 17, 4–6 pm
w/ Camille Belmain
compost heap
Festival Areal Nordwestbahnhof,
Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1220 Vienna
please register
Debunking purity and learning to accept toxicity is staying with the trouble, but until what point? With a few readings and a hunt for hybrid creatures in and around the compost heap, join us for a workshop to become aware of the entanglements between the natural and the artificial, the toxic and the “organic” found in our surroundings.
Friday May 3, 2-5 pm
Saturday May 4, 10 am – 2 pm
both workshops with Watering Words (Kristina Feldhammer, Joanna Gruntkowska, Małgorzata Suś)
with registration only
meeting point is on both days the compost heap at
Festival Areal Nordwestbahnhof,
Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1220 Vienna
On Saturday, we will make our way to Donauinsel together
WATERING WORDS (Kristina Feldhammer, Joanna Gruntkowska, Małgorzata Suś) is based on the idea of connectivity and solidarity of various bodies of water. We explore different ways of moving, sensing and communicating with each other and our immediate surroundings – understanding their as well as our own watery relations and how a place, a body, is shaped by them. The methods used in the workshop will be a variety of somatic and movement practices as well as writing and walking together as a way of (at)tending to a place, tracing its boundaries and thinking beyond them.
Friday April 12, 2–5 pm
In LISTENING/SOUNDMAKING, a workshop with musician Paul Ebhart, we used different microphones and recording devices to deeply listen to our fellow more-than-human beings in and around our compost heap. We questioned, deconstructed and abstracted what we heard, and re-assembled our recordings in a spontaneous orchestra.
Freitag 12. April, 17 Uhr
visits of the exhibition + reading groups
in cooperation with Mekhala Dave and Brooklyn Pakathi, curators of the show
guided tour through the exhibition + reading group
with Mekhala Dave und Brooklyn Pakathi (curators of the exhibition)
date+time Thursday Dezember 7, 5–7 pm
location Sala Terrena, Heiligenkreuzerhof
Curated by Brooklyn J. Pakathi and Mekhala Dave, and designed by Maria Rudakova, all students of Die Angewandte — Undulating Currents is a research-led exhibition that asks the question: In the face of our current ecological crisis, shaped by both historical colonial legacies and contemporary capitalist impulses, how do we begin to engage with our material world?
The exhibition focuses on the materiality of oil and water—two of the most exploited resources. Undulating Currents brings together international and local Black diasporan, ecofeminist, and queer* artists to explore layers of decolonial perspectives, hidden narratives, and aesthetic sensibilities that liquefy place-based struggles. Originating from a commitment to celebrating Black life, Undulating Currents crystallises moments of resistance by merging storytelling and lived experiences. It opens up possibilities for world-making that interweaves the past and present, aiming toward a collective future.
Extensively, it serves as a site for the exchange of knowledge, exploring the intersection of art, mind, and matter through the juxtaposition of two distinct yet interconnected resources: oil and water. Undulating Currents combines artistic practice, scholarly research, and curatorial practice to address the interconnections of environmental and social injustices.
mit Jaskaran Anand
date+time Saturday December 2, 12–3 pm
location Angewandte Performance Lab
Expositur Georg-Coch-Platz (= Ehem. PSK)
Hochparterre, Georg‐Coch‐Platz 2, 1010 Wien
This semester is all about trees, and in this session we will together try to get in touch with trees on a physical as well as emotional level.
We meet at the APL Studio, and if the weather allows, we walk to Stadtpark together, to get in touch, hug, climb the trees we encounter.
(If too cold to be outside, we will work with one another, fellow humans, and our memories.)
Back in the studio, we will work with our encounters and ideas: What do we see, hear and sense from nature, and how do we translate those feelings and associations into our own bodies’ movements?
Jaskaran will lead an atmospheric walk, finding places of belonging, opening situations to be truly transdisciplinary, human and more than human, creating spaces of communication, care, inclusion and diversity.
Jaskaran Anand was born in New Delhi and has been living in Linz since 2015. His works are trans-disciplinary interventions based on intersections between performative-art, scientific & art- based research, and participatory-collaborative artistic practices: using choreography & dance as a method of communication in- & beyond- the traditional art and public spaces. He looks forward to crossing borders, in different depths of artistic media with a focus on the human body acting as an interface.
He is an internationally acclaimed artist working as a performance-maker-artist, Initiator, dancer-choreographer, pedagogue, researcher, and video dramaturge-editor.
Bring comfortable clothes, paper and a pencil, and maybe another material that is important for you and that you would like to work with!
guided tour through the exhibition + reading group
with Mekhala Dave and Brooklyn Pakathi (curators of the exhibition)
A curatorial guided tour of the exhibition will be offered followed by reading carefully curated texts within the context of the selected artworks.
date+time Thursday November 23, 5–7 pm
location Sala Terrena, Heiligenkreuzerhof
Vienna soil, preparation of matter, basic vessels
with Sascha Zaitseva & ceramics studio of Angewandte
date+time part 1: Saturday November 18, 10am–1pm and 2-5:30 pm
part 2: Friday December 1, 3–6:30 pm
details Starting from last year’s ashtray project, where the compost group decided to make containers for the OKP yard to collect cigarette butts and thus protect soil, plants and our compost heap, we will now delve deeper into materials and forms, and their interrelationships. Under the guidance of Sasha Zaitseva, head of the ceramics department of Angewandte, we will move between soil, clay, processing methods and basic forms, and once again learn about relationships in our garden.
ort ceramics studio of Angewandte, OKP
hosted by compost group
date+time Friday November 3, 2–3 pm
location compost heap Yard of OKP
treffpunkt Studio of Klasse für Alle, Heiligenkreuzerhof
reading group #2
hosted by compost group
text: HOW THINGS HOLD. A DIAGRAM OF COORDINATION IN A SATOYAMA FOREST (by Elaine Gan & Anna Tsing, in: Microhabitable, edited by Fernando Garcia Dory and Lucia Pietroiuisti)
date+time Friday November 3, 3–5pm
location Atelier of Klasse für Alle, Heiligenkreuzerhof
processes: soil, water, plants, light
hosted by compost group
with Kristina Feldhammer
date+time Friday October 27, 2–5 pm
location In the beginning we will collect plants together outside; meeting point: Studio of Klasse für Alle at HKH
Following Ursula K. Le Guin, who writes about “phytolinguists” who explore the language of plants, phytograms seem to be a possible approach to such a visual language of organic material: Based on the chemical reactions that take place between plants or other organic material and photographic emulsion, imprints and patterns are created directly on the surface of the photographic paper or film. Thus, it is the plants themselves that create the image and inscribe themselves in it in their own way. The strength of the sunlight, the water temperature or texture of the soil in which the plants have grown – everything plays a role and is equally involved in the process. It is thus a way of working that deliberately focuses on the interplay of different materials, how they interact and where they come from.
In her practice, Kristina Feldhammer moves between various disciplines such as photography, performance, writing and installation – always with a focus on finding different ways of collaborating and interacting with her environment. Kristina has been an active member of compost group for over a year and installed and cared for the photographic clarification plant in the yard of OKP.
basics of composting: a visit at city farm
hosted by compost group
with City Farm Augarten
date+time Friday, October 13, 2–3 pm
location City Farm beim Augarten
treffen der compost group kerngruppe – reflexion+planung
datum+uhrzeit Friday October 13, 3–5 pm
ort from City Farm to Studio of Klasse für Alle (Heiligenkreuzerhof) to Yard OKP
At City Farm, we learned the basics of composting and saw how best to create and maintain a compost pile. We then went to our own compost mound in the OKP yard, added organic material, and consideedr a care taking plan for the semester.
Friday May 19, 2023, 2pm–5pm
compost group #20
with Andrea Lumplecker, Brishty Alam
Location Yard of Angewandte, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday May 26, 2023, 2–5pm
compost group #21
with Andrea Lumplecker; Brishty Alam
Location Yard of Angewandte, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Tuesday May 30, 2023, 4–7 pm
compost group #extra
with Paul Ebhart (DJ Ebhardy)
Location Studio at Heiligenkreuzerhof
(limited space, regsitration only!)
Friday June 2, 2023, 11am–2pm
compost group #22
with Paul Ebhart (DJ Ebhardy)
Location Atelier at Heiligenkreuzerhof
(limited space, regsitration only!)
Friday June 16, 2023, 2–5pm
compost group #23
with Andrea Lumplecker + Brishty Alam
Location Yard of Angewandte, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday June 30, 2023, 2–5pm
compost group #24
with Andrea Lumplecker, Brishty Alam
Location Yard OKP & Yard HKH
Friday May 12, 2023, 2pm–5pm
compost group #19
with Andrea Lumplecker, Brishty Alam
Location Yard of Angewandte, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday May 5, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 18
with Andrea Lumplecker
Location Hof der Angewandten am Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday April 28, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 17
Exhibition visit at Secession
with Brishty Alam + Secession curator Bettina Spörr
Meeting point Secession
Friday April 21, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 16
+ compost care
with Bristhy + Andrea
Location Hof der Angewandten am Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday March 31, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 15
introduced by Brishty Alam
Details presentation, discussion + a small practical exercise
+ compost care group
with Brishty Alam + Andrea Lumplecker
Ort meeting point Studio at Heiligenkreuzerhof
Friday March 24, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 15
compost reading #2: Maria Puig de la Bellacasa: Ecological struggles and the sciences of soil, and Vandana Shiva: Soil not Oil
praxis: compost heap enlargement, humus box, photographic high bed
Location Yard at Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday March 17, 2023, 2–4 pm
compost group # 14
Exhibition visit at Galerie Croy Nielsen
with Andrea Lumplecker
Meeting point Hof der Angewandten am Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday March 10, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 13
compost reading #1: Eva von Redeker, Revolution für das Leben. Philosophie der neuen Protestformen – Einleitung
+ compost care, mapping & planning
with compost care group
Location Hof der Angewandte at Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday March 3, 2023, 2–5 pm
compost group # 12
compost artist #1: introducing Issa Samb (Conversation with Antje Majewski)
+ compost care, mapping & planning
+ planting of Artemisia annua
with compost care group
Location Hof der Angewandte at Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday January 20, 2023, 3–5 pm
exhibition visit at mumok, wien
compost group # 11
with Andrea Lumplecker
Location mumok
The exhibition mixed up with others before we even begin investigates models of thinking and working that reconcile different, sometimes contradictory entities within contemporary visual culture. Current artistic positions enter into a dialogue with selected works from the mumok collection and objects from the collections of the Natural History Museum Vienna to foreground the hybrid as an effective tenet, not only in artistic but also societal and political realms.
Sounds like composting!
mixed up with others before we even begin celebrates the historical-cultural processes of creolization as a mode of world-making that has always been there. It encompasses moments of encounter and friendly gathering as well as those of collision, too. The exhibition features works that open perspectives to postcolonial histories of diversity, to satirical transliteration, queer folklore, and collective feminist rituals, to the molecular borders of the human body and its entanglements with science and technology.
Artists: Leilah Babirye, Mariana Castillo Deball, Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Nilbar Güreş, Nicolás Lamas, Slavs and Tatars
Friday January 13 2023, 3–5 pm
compost group # 10
books about gardening – a tour at the angewandte library
with a focus on garden-artists books
with Elisabeth Pinter
location Angewandte Library, Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, 1030 Wien (meeting point: Foyer of the library, DG)
Reading together is an important part of compost group.
Elisabeth Pinter gave us an introduction and a short tour through the library of the Angewandte, which is open to all. She then introduced us to selected garden artist books. And finally we were searching for relevant titles in the garden book section, browsing, and reading to each other.
Freitag 23. Dezember 2022, 15–17 Uhr
compost group #9
aus schafgarbe bier brauen (workshop teil II)
mit Salma Shaka
Ort Atelier im Heiligenkreuzerhof
Samstag 10. Dezember 2022, 14–18 Uhr
compost group #8
aus schafgarbe bier brauen (workshop teil I)
mit Salma Shaka
Ort Atelier im Heiligenkreuzerhof
Fee € 25 (für beide Teile des workshops) – Stipendien sind auf Anfrage möglich!
Freitag 25. November 2022, 14–16 Uhr
compost group #7
obstbäume fürs überwintern pflanzen
Ort KOMPOSTHÜGEL im Hof der Angewandten, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Heiligenkreuzerhof
Fünf Obstbäume für die Stadt: Bevor wir bis zum Frühling einen endgültigen Standort für sie finden werden, pflanzen wir sie in gute Nachbarschaft direkt neben unseren Kompost.
Freitag 18. November 2022, 15–17 Uhr
compost group #6
lesen, denken + zusammen schreiben
+ vortrag Kristina Feldhammer über kompost als entwickler:in in der analogen fotografie
Ort Atelier im Heiligenkreuzerhof + rotlicht Festival im Semper Depot
Freitag 11. November 2022, 14–15 Uhr
compost group #5
compost care + obstbäume betreuen
Ort KOMPOSTHÜGEL im Hof der Angewandten, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Freitag 4. November 2022, 15–17 Uhr
compost group #4
ausstellungsbesuch TAMPAN TULIPS by Jennifer Tee, Secession
+ anschließend compost care (Kompostmiete hinter der Secession)
Ort Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien
Freitag 28. Oktober 2022, 15–17 Uhr
compost group #3
re-building the compost heap
Ort KOMPOSTHÜGEL im Hof der Angewandten, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Freitag 21. Oktober 2022, 15–17 Uhr
compost group #2
reading session
Ort beim KOMPOSTHÜGEL im Hof der Angewandten, OKP
Mit Texten aus: Donna Haraway, Staying with the trouble; Ursula K. Le Guin, The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction; Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass; T.J. Demos, Against the Anthropocene; Bruno Latour, Facing Gaia; Anna Tsing, The Mushroom at the end of the world u.m.
Freitag 7. Oktober 2022, 15 Uhr
compost group #1
gemeinsames errichten der komposthügels
Ort Hof im Hauptgebäude der Angewandten, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2, 1010